What is Neurological Physiotherap
Our Physiotherapists will employ treatment techniques that include: acupuncture (although not all our physiotherapists are qualified to do this), advice on lifestyle and fatigue management, balance and coordination exercises, electrical stimulation, specific exercises to re-activate specific muscle groups, joint mobilizations, soft tissue mobilizations and movement re-education.

How is This Accomplished?
A fall is one of the greatest risks a senior citizen will face, often leading to serious life threating injuries such as hip fractures which then lead to a limit in mobility as well as an extended hospital stay. In fact, falling is such an issue among seniors that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that one-third of all people over the age of sixty-five fall every year, making falls the leading cause of injury among people from this age group. Seniors experience falls everyday resulting in hip fractures every year, with resulting hospitalizations. Most of the people who experience a hip fracture stay in the hospital for a minimum of one week, with approximately twenty-percent dying within a year due to the injury. Unfortunately, a number of the remaining eighty-percent do not return to their previous level of functioning. Physiotherapy can help seniors remain both strong and independent, as well as productive.
How We Can Help
A Physiotherapists treatment plan will target any underlying problem, reduce pain and control symptoms by re-learning or re-establishment of movement patterns that help the patient to function to the maximum of our ability.