Post-Operative Physiotherapy

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What is Post-Operative Physiotherapy

Post Operative Physiotherapy is the crucial process of re – establishing muscle strength, joint motion, full joint movement and restore full body strength and functionality, through physiotherapy sessions and exercises. Depending upon the surgical procedure that has one has gone through; the post surgery physiotherapy could well last from a month to a whole year.

Importance Of Post Operative Rehabilitation

Post surgery physical therapy plays a crucial role in post operative rehabilitation, as post surgery physiotherapy ensures faster and complete recovery and effective return to prior level of physical function. Post surgery body tissue/joint/cartilage needs some stimulus to recover; this much needed stimulus is provided by post surgery physical therapy.

Some of the other benefits of physiotherapy after surgery are as follows;

  1. Helps in the proper circulation of blood after surgery, thus preventing blood clots.
  2. Helps in improving the muscle strength, posture and balance of the body.
  3. Physiotherapy also proves beneficial in helping a person get back on their feet.
  4. Physiotherapy also provides effective self – care training to the patient like safely getting out of bed, bathing, climbing stairs, etc.   
  5. Physiotherapy reduces pain and equips you with pain control and manual therapy techniques.
  6. Finally, physiotherapy reduces the risk of post – operative pulmonary complications (PCCs)/

How Can We Help?

Rehabilitation programs follow specific post-surgical rehabilitation protocols that specialize in individualized treatment interventions towards returning the patient to best strength, operate and quality. The program involves a range of treatment choices with goals that are set for the patient to resume traditional activities of living to the maximum amount as possible.

It is extremely important that one fully understands the fact that everybody reacts to post- operative rehabilitation program differently and as such the program varies from person to person, differs in duration and is customized according to the type of surgery. Also everyone with similar condition are not expected to recover completely at the same time; while A shows rapid recuperation, B can take some time to fully recover after physiotherapy; this is how a body reacts to certain stimulation and hence should not accept uniform results. The understanding of such things will help a person be better physically and mentally prepared for what’s ahead. Nevertheless, irrespective of the length and time taken to fully recover, it is all well worth it.

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